First, mention your educational background. The training section is absolutely decisive in your case. List all your diplomas antecchronologically, with the name of the school, diploma, specialization, year and place of graduation. Be as specific as possible !
For example, if you want to work in market finance and you have an engineering degree, it is relevant to note that you have a specialization in market finance.
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This section is essential in order to highlight your professional skills and find your first job.
Don’t overfill! Only include experiences that have helped develop transferable skills.
Ex: a client of mine thought it was not useful to talk about his two-month experience as a sales consultant at an optician. He was applying for a Key Account Manager position and he got it all wrong. In his case, it was relevant to mention this first sales experience and the development of the qualities associated with this profession.
Step 3: Take care of the other headings
Also be careful to choose:
The choice of title
Above all, avoid titles that are too fuzzy, too vague. If you do this, we won’t really know what you are looking for. It is better to use the title of the ad.
Your motivations
What is your pro project?
You can add a paragraph to explain why you are going down this path for example.
Show that you have mastered foreign languages! If it’s requested in the ad, you can even put it at the top of your CV. It’s a good way to set yourself apart. To do this, you can indicate the mark you obtained in the TOEIC or your level according to the Common European Framework of Reference.
The references
We don’t do it very often in France and yet it allows us to score points.
Beforehand, you must ask the person if they agree to talk about you well! And, then, you indicate on your CV the contact details of this person, his position and the company in which he works. You can also request recommendations on Linkedin.
This gives a very good image of your application!
Les soft skills
Usually, we find the soft skills in the cover letter.
In the case of young graduates, we can get around the rule.
Areas of interest
You can indicate the activities that you practice and possibly highlight them if you practice a sport in a club, if you are classified, if you are involved in an association for a particular cause.
Don’t hesitate to say if you have a passion for something!
It’s also a good way to make the recruiter smile.
Step 4: Pay attention to the presentation of your CV
When you are a young graduate, you absolutely want to fill out this big blank page and therefore you add logos, small bullets and a lot of graphic elements!
Do you recognize yourself? Do not do that !
When you send your applications: they are most often read first by robots!
And the robot does not know how to interpret a logo or an image. Your CV will therefore only be read partially. And if your CV arrives by chance in the recruiter’s hands, he will immediately think:
“Graphic CV = CV without experience”
So take it easy with the design and focus on the content!
Last thing: Proofread your CV several times! Have others proofread it to make sure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes.
Because that: clearly, it can disqualify you!
Don’t forget to subscribe to my next Masterclass “How to make a CV that wins interviews”. The number of places is limited.
And if you want us to work on your CV together, do not hesitate to contact me so that we can schedule a coaching session together on 01 43 29 49 77 or by e-mail karen@embauchezmoi.org.
